It was a soggy day here in the Northeast, which made for a good day to finalize orders for Mountain Jam this upcoming weekend. Pretty much have everything ready to go for the trip tomorrow morning out to the Catskills. Looks like the weather should cooperate and allow for a smooth set up day. Then it’s a chillaxed meal at Cosmic Charlies, followed by a nice relaxing night in the hotel!

I was thinking earlier today, and I realized that Mountain Jam was the first festival I ever vended 8 years ago, back in May of 2008! So this will be my 8th Mountain Jam as a vendor, and my 10th Mountain Jam overall! Always an exciting time to head back up to Hunter Mountain for two weekends in a row!

I hope to see some of you up at the Mountain this weekend! Anybody traveling down to Wakarusa, make sure to drive safe and have a great time! Be sure to stop by the Wormtown booth and shake your booty for Bryce & Rich!

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