There have been few times in my life that music has moved me to the point of tears. Those moments when a song (or even a single note) elicits an actual physical response is one of the many reasons why I got into the whole live music scene to begin with! Sometimes when the band is locked in, and the flow of energy is at its highest, you look around and see all the friends in your life that you love so much (and are so thankful for), and you just weep tears of joy. Saturday was one of those nights!! The whole run was amazing, but Saturday night may have been my favorite set thus far, and as crazy as this sounds I couldn’t be more happy that I emptied my bank account and flew across the country to be able to experience such an epic weekend!
If you had a chance to read my article from last week My First Red Rocks Show you’ll know that my crew and I were rolling deep! Each night we would pull up to the top parking lot around 7 pm to drink a few beers and relax a bit before the strenuous task of walking up the first of many sets of steps leading towards the venue entrance. My crew usually likes to sit Barber-side, and this weekend we chose row 27 for all three nights. I’ve been told the key to Red Rocks is to be close enough to hear the sound crisp and clear, but far enough back to still experience the light show as intended…without going back too far to where the wind blows the sound around. I’m pretty sure we were right in the sweet spot, because the sound was perfect despite how windy it was up on the rocks!
Friday was my first time going to Red Rocks for a show and I was in awe of how amazing the venue is. The rocks towered above me on both sides of the amphitheater, and the whole venue was packed from top to bottom! While Friday wasn’t my favorite set of the weekend, it still left me with that post show glow, and had me excited for what was still to come the following two nights. I think the big peak of the weekend for me was the Crickets encore on Saturday night, which was such a rare occurrence that kids were referring to it as “Cicada” because it only comes around once every 20 years. Every music fan is especially thankful to be back at shows and the energy in the crowd truly speaks to this. Sunday’s virtual day set essentially got rained out, but the band still made good on their promise and seemed to almost play to match the weather. I thought the Sunday night rain would spook the crowd and there would be no lines with plenty of space. I realized I was WRONG as soon as I arrived at the venue! I walked around in my DIY trash bag poncho (I forgot my Mr. B’s Festival Needs poncho) and witnessed hundreds of bundled up fans rage the rocks to a legendary show that I will never forget. I was surprised by the band covering Todd Terje during Sunday’s Tractorbeam Jam, but it fit in so well with the rest of the setlist.

Red Rocks treated me right and I owe the venue and the Disco Biscuits my gratitude for a life changing experience. One thing that I didn’t expect was the workout and amount of exercise those steps provide! Multiple times I stopped to catch my breath while walking up top to let my friends in the venue with their tickets on my phone. The altitude always catches me off guard! So if you’re planning to hit up a show on the rocks this summer bring your sneakers and expect a bit of heavy breathing!
Any of you who missed this weekend’s shows shouldn’t fret! While making the final edits to this article the band has announced a two night run at the Mann Center in Philadelphia, PA with Lotus, Orchard Lounge, and Luke the Knife. City Bisco is always a great time and I look forward to returning home to Philly the weekend after Peach!!!
As I said goodbye to my friends earlier today I was sad because I didn’t want this weekend to end. However, thinking of this summer and the great times yet to be had definitely brings my spirits back up. I hope to see you all at the Peach, or perhaps in Philly for City Bisco!
…hopefully my bank account will be fully recovered by then!
Love y’all and stay safe!