After putting the finishing touches on the booth this morning at Disc Jam, I headed into town to pick up a few items we were low on. I made my usual rounds…stimulating the local economy as I went…picking up the essentials for the crew for the weekend…etc. When I got back on site, the patrons were starting to roll in and set up their camp sites, while the Mr. B’s crew was busy slinging ice and other essentials to the customers meandering about on Shakedown. Glass Mafia/Last Fair Deal had the torches lit, and the Cosmic Dust Bunnies were just about to hit the stage when I got the call from Tim Tim, who had just arrived in Hunter at the Taste of Country Festival

“Hey there’s a bunch more stuff missing than just the rolling papers and PAX”


Turns out, when the person(s) broke into our booth for chips and candy, they also decided to help themselves to several 4 person tents, queen sized air mattresses, and a few other high ticket items bringing the grand total of items stolen to over $500! Not to mention, we were now low on those certain items, which meant I had to drive back up to Hunter Mountain to replenish the stock for that booth, then back to Disc Jam to make sure everything was running smoothly there as well. So I took the hour and a half drive back up the mountain and got the Taste of Country crew all squared away until I get back there on Saturday.

Just got back on site at Disc Jam and the Pink Talking Fish are just about to finish up their set on the Main Stage. Hoping the crowd here gets a bit larger than it is now…so if you’re not here…bring a friend and get here first thing tomorrow morning! Till then, enjoy the night!

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