From dry to dusty to muddy to smelly muddy then back to dusty! What a week its been out in Illinois!

Luckily we dodged the tornadoes, but definitely put the booth to the test against the strong winds. Thankfully, though, the strong winds kept the rains away from the festival! After checking the Doppler every 5 minutes for most of the night, we finally got in the clear of wet weather, so we started breaking down the satellite booth while the North American Scum took the stage.

This morning the crew and I finished breaking down both booths and loading everything into the trailer. Definitely a much smoother festival than last year!

Grabbed the crew meal at One World Cafe in Peoria, IL and began the journey back to the east coast. Checked into the hotel now, and about to take my first shower since Wednesday!

Full day of driving tomorrow, then home for a weekend off! More tales from the road to come…stay tuned.

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