Men’s Athletic Low Cut Socks


Men’s Athletic Low Cut Socks


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The true festival professional knows that any good comfort plan is not complete without making sure that those sweet tootsies of yours stay warm and fresh. While you could get away with one hoodie all weekend, socks are a different animal. For warmth, there is the standard layering technique – one, two, even three feet deep will give you a wide range of temperatures to choose from. For freshness, we have the obvious matter of foot stank to deal with – here it is clear that the more socks the merrier. But, a lesser known technique that we’d like to let you in on is the ol’ Full Body Foot Refresher: when you are feeling out of steam, sometimes all it takes is peeling off those worn socks and putting on a nice pair of fresh socks to kickstart that second wind. Wipe, wash, dry, and go!

Looking for the more layers? Check out our socks, leggings, hats, and other clothing!
Stick with Mr. B’s for all the essential tips and tricks 🙂 

*Colors will vary

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